It has been widely reported that languages are becoming an elitist subject, taught mainly in independent schools.
Sara Davidson, Head of Modern Languages at Oundle School, explains that wisely, most independent schools decided to keep a modern language as one of the core subjects for GCSE back in 2004 when they were made non-compulsory, and this is what has saved the language departments at Oundle.
However, two years ago Oundle had the support from the senior management team to run courses at GCSE, IGCSE, A level and Pre-U in a total of seven languages and were able to open a newly refurbished state-of-the-art language centre in Peterborough.
“Recognition of the importance of languages is crucial from the senior management team and parents, as well as teachers in other departments” Sara Davidson says and asks two big questions:
- What has been done wrong in the UK?
- Where is the value we should be putting on language learning?
Sara Davidson remembers that when she was at school and when she first started teaching, language departments were booming. Then something happened… The answer to the first question could be the decision of the UK Government to make languages non-compulsory, and this affected all schools as it gave out a negative message about the status and value of learning a language.
Then, a few years later, controlled assessments were brought in at GCSE and A levels became less culture-based and more topic-based.
So the value of languages should be recognised by the political class first. A change in the general mindset seems to be inevitable in this regard; if the government doesn’t care about language learning, why should the citizens?!
What strategies do you guys think could ignite the change?
Original article available on the Independent Schools Council website.
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